
Itsukil's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 117 (From 25 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,585 Points

Five Nights Watching Paint Dry

Medals Earned: 16/25 (80/125 points)

A Crummy Sequel 5 Points

Is it really a crummy sequel, or is it just the same thing made four times?

Actual Gameplay 5 Points

This game MIGHT contain actual gameplay.

Actually Play This Game 5 Points

Thanks for playing this game, but why? You just watch paint dry for five nights!

Blue Room 5 Points

A blue room. You can instead watch blue paint dry. Neat!

Chump 5 Points

Quit the game.


An RPG version of this game. Everyone will have had enough of these games after that. I hope...

Hidden Toaster 5 Points

Find the hidden toaster just like in all of my other games.

Lights Off 5 Points

Turn of the lights. But turn them back on! I'm afraid of the dark!

Night Five 5 Points

Survive the fifth night.

Night Four 5 Points

Survive the fourth night.

Night One 5 Points

Survive the first night.

Night Three 5 Points

Survive the third night.

Night Two 5 Points

Survive the second night.

Orange Room 5 Points

Donald Trump or an orange room? An orange room.

Sequel? 5 Points

A sequel? There's more?!

Yellow Room 5 Points

Just a yellow room. Nothing big.

A Bear-y Special Achievement (Pun Intended) 5 Points

A bear-y special achievement (pun intended). Sorry, my puns are bad.

Champ 5 Points

Complete the WHOLE game. Make sure you complete everything!

Night Six? 5 Points

Survive the sixth night...?

Not As A-MAZE-ING 5 Points

Possibly A-MAZE-ING?

Panic 30 5 Points

Panic 30? Have you played it?

Secret Room 5 Points

Find the secret room.

Stupid Clicker Game 5 Points

That clicker game I made was stupid. That was the point.

TGS Secret 5 Points

My champ gave me a few ideas for this "game". So I thought maybe I'd thank him.

View the Credits 5 Points

View the credits.

Heart Star

Medals Earned: 4/7 (45/220 points)

Link Between Worlds 5 Points

Clear the first 5 levels!

Thanks! 5 Points

Check out the Credits Page!

Piggyback Joyride 10 Points

Clear levels 5-10!

Pressing Matters 25 Points

Clear levels 10-15!

Platform Parade 25 Points

Clear Levels 15-20!

Companion and Cubes 50 Points

Clear levels 20-25

Connected Worlds 100 Points

Clear every level!

Jumping to the Top

Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/260 points)

Bottom of the mountain 10 Points

Start the game

Half way there! 50 Points

Reach the map's mid-point

Reached the Top 100 Points

Reach the top of the mountain

Speedrunner 100 Points

Participate in the speedrun!

Level Up!

Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/390 points)

Gem Collector 5 Points

Collect 100 Gems.

Time Waster 5 Points

Play to day 7 and beyond.

Gem Connoisseur 10 Points

Collect All Giant Gems.

Gem Hoarder 10 Points

Collect 400 Gems.

Moving the Mail 10 Points

Find all the checkpoints in the level.

Dashing Course Legend 25 Points

Beat the Super Dashing Course in under 25 seconds.

Fountain of Knowledge 25 Points

Fill out every entry in the Codex.

Gem Addict 25 Points

Collect every Red Gem on the Level.

Mad Skills 25 Points

Buy every skill.

Grinding Maniac 50 Points

Max out every single level type.

Heartbreaker 50 Points

Defeat Nightmare with only 1 LOVE level.

Insomniac 50 Points

Complete the game without ever sleeping.

Obsessive 100 Points

Get 100% completion.

Mouse Clckr

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/90 points)

Epic background! 5 Points

Unlock the first background

More Clicks! 10 Points

Unlock a new mouse

Legendary! 25 Points

Unlock a legendary mouse upgrade

Mt. Fuji 25 Points

Unlock the fuji backgroud

Really legendary 25 Points

Buy a legendary autoclick

Planaris 2

Medals Earned: 4/9 (45/280 points)

Double Down 5 Points

Clear a double line.

Single 5 Points

Clear a single line.

All-Star 10 Points

Complete at least 3 objectives in campaign mode.

Mastery 25 Points

Master at least one level in campaign mode.

Third Times the Charm 10 Points

Clear a triple line.

Quad Feed 25 Points

Clear a quadruple line.

Opulent 50 Points

Master at least 3 levels in campaign mode.

Pent Up 50 Points

Clear a pentuple(or higher) line.

Unlocker 100 Points

Unlock all levels in campaign mode.


Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/380 points)

#10 5 Points

10 reports

#20 5 Points

20 reports

#30 10 Points

30 reports

#40 10 Points

40 reports

#50 25 Points

50 reports

#60 25 Points

60 reports

#70 50 Points

70 reports

#80 50 Points

80 reports

#100 100 Points

100 reports

#90 100 Points

90 reports

Relive Your Life

Medals Earned: 22/32 (310/500 points)

100 MPH Spank! 10 Points

Whoops! I hope you like wrinkles!

Big Mouth 10 Points

Because bragging gets you nowhere.

Blind Runner 10 Points

Daredevil ain't got nothin' on you.

Dead Mutant Baby 10 Points

Death snagged you so young!

Dreamin' with Morgan Freeman 10 Points


Dressing in Drag 10 Points

Rambo is quite the prankster!

Extra! Extra! 10 Points

Check out any of the external links

Hide 'n Seek 10 Points

He hid for two hours you selfish jerk!

HomeRun! 10 Points

Obeezy likes basketball, whoda thunk it?

Human Appliance 10 Points

Science is bad, M'kay?

I ain't sayin' you a golddigger. 10 Points

But you ain't messing with no broke.. nibroke ;)

Mee-Yow! 10 Points

A WILD CatFight ensues!

Meet Joe Black 10 Points

This was hilarious to animate :)

Mutually Assured Destruction 10 Points

Everything dies and it's all your fault.

My Hero. 10 Points

No dead bunnies or kittens... for now.

Shoop Da Whoop! 10 Points

Imma firin mah lazor!!!

Tails Never Fails 10 Points

A classic for bidding!

The Amazing Quadrupede! 10 Points

You're a flying transgender mutant! SUCCESS!!!!!

The Man Who Owns Time 10 Points

"Dr. Who" They name you, "His life, so bizarre."

The Naked Mile 10 Points

If I weren't legally obliged, I'd go nude too.

Ultimate Velocity Five! 10 Points

You become Saint Awesome!

GODLIKE! 100 Points

You shake hands with the Almighty himself!

30 Rock Date 10 Points

TFey and ABee come 2 save the Dee!

Daytime TV Trio! 10 Points

Oprah, Ellen, and Maury!? You lucky sonovagun!

FYI YOU'RE A SPY 10 Points

Backstabbing yourself, low blow man.

Hellfire Injection 10 Points

Time paid life's bill.

Love at First Fight 10 Points

Your sister figures out love the hard way.

Nice Save! 10 Points

Obviously she's a keeper!

Puppy Love 10 Points

Like OMG, Totes jelly.

Self Consumed Donut 10 Points

Keep Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin WHAT

The Dr. Phil Tango 10 Points

You pissed off Dr. Phil. Gj bro.

Lives Worth Living! 100 Points

You found all 29 different endings!

Sick Day

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/0 points)

Snowy Night Escape

Medals Earned: 1/1 (50/50 points)

Escape! 50 Points
